Thursday, May 24, 2007

O Sweet Jesus!

yesterday afternoon Ashland was sitting on the floor by the fish tank playing with her toys and i hear her say "Come on Maw Maw Billie" "It's okay Maw Maw Billie" It's okay Maw Maw Billie" and so I say Ashland who are you talking to and she says "Maw Maw Billie" "you see her" and I said No and she said she right there ..

I was in complete shock as many of you know we lost her a few months ago!

I really wonder was she here!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


As many of you know I have had to change my previous blog area! So I am alright with that But a girl must Blog so here is where i will be so catch me and my news and updates here! So please feel free to stop by as often as you like.